{title: Sly mongoose} {artist: Traditionel jamaica} {key: G} Sly Mon[G]goose, Your [D7]name gone [G]ahead x2 Mongoose go inna Bedw[C]ard's kitchen [D7]Tek out one of them big fat [G]chicken Put it inna wes[Am]cut pocket [D7]Sly Mon[G]goose.
{title: Sly mongoose} {artist: Traditionel jamaica} {key: G} Sly Mon[G]goose, Your [D7]name gone [G]ahead x2 Mongoose go inna Bedw[C]ard's kitchen [D7]Tek out one of them big fat [G]chicken Put it inna wes[Am]cut pocket [D7]Sly Mon[G]goose.
Aucun accords trouvés dans la chanson. C'est probablement parce que la chanson n'est pas au format ChordPro. Voici une version convertie...
UkeGeeks-NG is a fork of UkeGeeks.
A simple ukulele songbook editor :)
Original creator of the UkeGeeks project is Buzz Carter. He made the Scriptasaurus engine and the Song-a-matic editor, as well as the ugsphp site.
UkeGeeks-NG contributors : BloodyBowlers, Louis-Coding.